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Create eLearning courses faster with AI

OpenGraph: KAI—Artificial intelligence in Knowledgeworker Create

As of now, the optional Knowledgeworker Artificial Intelligence - in short KI-KAI - supports you with the creation of high-quality learning content in the LCMS Knowledgeworker Create. 

  • Bring new, previously unfeasible eLearning projects to life.
  • Leave time-consuming and repetitive tasks to the AI.
  • Focus on outstanding visual content.
  • Create an unimagined global reach.

That’s how easy it is to find the right authoring tool

60 features and functions for your individual requirements catalog

preview: checklist authoringtool eLearning
[Translate to English:] preview: checklist authoringtool elearning

Checklist authoring tool

Quick & Easy to your eLearning solution

The selection of eLearning authoring tools (learning content management systems) is large. It is easy to lose track of what is needed to create digital learning content. This checklist supports you in your decision-making process when it comes to considering all the important aspects and functions of a learning content management system/authoring tool and structuring your requirements. This way, you are guaranteed not to forget any important details when comparing and evaluating different learning content management systems. You can easily define and record your requirements and priorities regarding the learning content management system. This helps everyone involved in the elicitation process, as everyone has the same basis and understanding of what criteria and requirements need to be met. So create clarity when it comes to your requirements, reduce wrong decisions and save avoidable costs.

Facts at a glance

60 Selection criteria for authoring tools

  • technical requirements
  • legal requirements
  • didactical requirements
  • learner requirements
  • task management
  • translation management
  • reporting and evaluation
  • adaptive learning
  • scenarios
  • microlearning and much more
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The easy route to your eLearning solution

Record requirements. Assign priorities. Compare authoring tools.
Now simply enter your eMail address and start.

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