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Create eLearning courses faster with AI

OpenGraph: KAI—Artificial intelligence in Knowledgeworker Create

As of now, the optional Knowledgeworker Artificial Intelligence - in short KI-KAI - supports you with the creation of high-quality learning content in the LCMS Knowledgeworker Create. 

  • Bring new, previously unfeasible eLearning projects to life.
  • Leave time-consuming and repetitive tasks to the AI.
  • Focus on outstanding visual content.
  • Create an unimagined global reach.

Digital personnel development

The digital future of education and training


Personnel development definition

Personnel development is a strategy that aims to improve your employees’ skills, knowledge, and abilities. The continuous (further) development of your employees is an effective tool for combating skilled worker shortages, and it also keeps your company competitive. It boosts staff motivation and performance, and ensures that valuable knowledge is retained in the company. 

Personnel development includes training courses, coaching, mentoring programs, leadership development, and job rotation. The goal of all methods is to train your employees and strengthen and develop their skills, knowledge, and competencies.


What is digital personnel development?

The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years. Many processes are now digital. Employees have hybrid or completely remote working patterns, and working hours are becoming more and more flexible. This also has implications for personnel development. In the past, you had to train large groups in classrooms, print out materials on paper, or send employees on training courses hundreds of miles away. Digitalization has now changed all this and brought new digital processes. 

And personnel development also been digitalized. Hybrid learning is popular. The focus is on flexibility and individuality. Digital methods enable you to tailor personnel development programs to your employees’ needs, making training more efficient and impactful.


Challenges for (digital) personnel development

Technology, the world of work, and society are in constant flux. Digitalization has taken the pace of change to a new level. Today’s initiatives may be obsolete by tomorrow. New technologies such as AI present your employees with new challenges on a daily basis. In order to respond to these shifts, you need a personnel development program that can adapt quickly and flexibly.


The individual needs of employees

Your employees all have different needs, levels of knowledge, and learning speeds. When it comes to personnel development, there are no one size fits all programs that actually deliver satisfactory results. eLearning and adaptive features enable you to respond to the specific needs of your employees without driving up costs.


It’s impossible to imagine the world of work without digital tools and technologies now. But not every employee is automatically a digital native. Take the time to prepare your staff for digital working methods, explain the background, and give them the necessary skills. Personnel development itself must also face the challenges of digitalization and meet them with an open mindset. This is the only way to ensure your company stays on top of its game.


Work processes have long ceased to be limited to on-site operations. Globalization means that almost every company has customers and partners abroad, or employees who speak a different native language. To show these people respect and enable them to access your education and training initiatives on equal terms, you need an effective internationalization strategy with regard to your content.

Limited resources

Personnel development costs your employees and executives time, money, and commitment. So make sure you dedicate sufficient resources to personnel development. This holds true for both your personnel development department and your employees themselves. Learning time is working time. If you don’t take this view, you won’t have any takers for your personnel development initiatives.



Banner Whitepaper Adaptive Learning
Banner whitepaper adaptive learning

Adaptive learning

Individualization as a booster for eLearning success

Meet the needs of your learners and lead them to learning success. With our 6 ways of adaptation, you create individual learning experiences with little to no effort – better results and shorter learning times guaranteed.


Digital personnel development with eLearning

Training and personal development—wherever and whenever your employees want. Flexible, intuitive, and needs-focused. eLearning can deliver all this for your digital personnel development. eLearning is more than outstanding training or an online course. It offers a variety of exciting ways to develop your employees. Take advantage of the numerous benefits of eLearning for your personnel development.


Benefits of eLearning for digital personnel development

Cost savings

In-person training sessions and programs are usually costly: you have to pay for travel costs, room rental, trainers and catering. For each training course, you also need to account for the costs of planning and the number of working hours that participants spend on training. eLearning is cost-effective and saves valuable working time.


Your employees can access content at any time and from any location. They set their own pace and can incorporate learning into their lives in the way that suits them best. No more pressure and no more scheduling issues.


Within this individualized approach, there are always training sessions that need to be rolled out to large groups— compliance training or occupational safety and health training, for example. eLearning is easy to scale:  Whether your workforce numbers 1 or 1,000, you can roll out your training courses to employees cost-effectively.


If you have the right eLearning tools, you can create interactive learning environments for your employees. Instead of just letting information wash over them, your learners will be fully engaged, enthusiastic and motivated as they explore the material. Videos, animations, graphics, and photos make content interactive and appeal to all the senses. Clickable elements and quizzes round off the learning experience.


The digital world has made work more international. Got employees from all corners of the globe? No problem. eLearning allows you to create multilingual personnel development.


eLearning includes a variety of analytical tools that enable you to keep track of your employees’ progress at all times, and this in turn allows you to offer them support that is specifically tailored to their needs. You will have auditable proof of participation in compulsory training courses.


Using eLearning in digital personnel development

In principle, you can use eLearning for all aspects of digital personnel development. But you don’t need to switch everything to digital right away. It often makes good sense to combine digital and analog personnel development methods. And digital learning doesn’t necessarily have to be undertaken alone in a silent room. You can create learning circles that meet up online, for example, or offer your employees the opportunity to interact socially through a learning management system (LMS). Below are some tried-and-tested ways to support your personnel development program with eLearning.



Train your employees digitally, supporting them through their probation and beyond. Not just for white-collar workers. New staff in production, sales, and logistics also benefit from digital learning content. Train them up on work processes, tools, machines, and even your corporate culture. Cost-effective. Flexible. User-friendly.


Case Study

Case Study Digital Onboarding
[Translate to English:] Case Study Digital Onboarding
Logo Fressnapf

Our pet project: delivering outstanding onboarding

How Fressnapf supports new employees through the first half of the year and takes the pressure off store management.



Ever thought about taking part of your mentoring program digital? Use eLearning to pass on knowledge in the company, giving mentors and mentees the chance to communicate asynchronously. This is the way to ensure good mentoring can be provided across national borders, too.



Compliance training is time-consuming and expensive. It has to be delivered to a great many employees, and you need auditable proof of their participation. If you have hundreds of employees, this is a feat that can quickly send costs soaring. So why not try a digital approach? It’s easy to specify adaptive settings for individual countries, positions, or departments. This allows you to reach all of your employees, saves time and money, and spares your nerves.


Case Study

Case Study Automotive
Case Study Automotive

From 0 to 100 in just four months

How an international automotive group digitalized its worldwide compliance training in short order


Leadership development

Digital mapping of personnel development for future managers? Provide digital training to develop your prospective executives’ specialist, methodological, and social skills. Interactive behavioral trainers, simulated situations, and interactive online courses enable you to prepare your employees for leadership roles rapidly.


Occupational safety and health

Whether your staff work in an office or in the field, in production or logistics, you have to provide occupational health and safety training to all of them. Why not put together a digital training program and ensure that your employees can work safely at all times?


Soft skills training

Use eLearning to train soft skills such as communication, sales, meetings etiquette, and conflict management. A range of learning methods from web-based training to scenario-based learning will help with this.


Soft skills training


The bottom line.

Personnel development has changed dramatically in recent years. To retain their edge, companies need to adapt to the digital world and prepare their employees for it. eLearning helps you achieve your personnel development goals faster, more affordably, and more efficiently. Take advantage of our experience to and optimize your employee training.

Nadine Pedro
[Translate to English:] Nadine Pedro, chemmedia AG
Nadine Pedro

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Title image: Robert Kneschke/shutterstock.com